About Me

My name is Melissa and I am from Alabama. I have 3 kids and 3 dogs. 

I work as an IT Service Desk Trainer. I have been with this bank for over 5 years now. This is my 4th role within the company. I started out in IT Tier 2, moved my way to branch tech, then a quality analyst role, and now the Trainer role.

When I was in Tier 2 at my current company, I was remoting into computers or working on them in person at the branches to get them up and running properly. I also helped with networking with the switches and such as well.

I think I am a Senior at UAGC since I will finish all my classes in Sept of next year. If not, I am very close to becoming a senior. I am working on my Bachelor's in IT. I hope this helps me to be able to either move up in the company to make more money or when my son graduates high school, I will try and find a better-paying job somewhere else.

I do like it at the bank with my current role because it taps into the training knowledge from a previous company, and I am recording short how-to videos to help not only the technicians but also the others in the company. 




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